February (12 Days of CHOSEN)

AYE! AYE! AYE! FAMILY!!!! Come on in here and enter this CHAT! We calling it a chat today! FEBRUARY was so RICH this year! I am in AWE of everything that God has allowed CHOSEN to take part in! We have done a lot of AMAZING things, but GUESS WHAT????


It is only Day 2 and I am so Blessed by being able to do this! Sharing my LOVE for CHOSEN is a blessing in itself! If I can be honest, I was not trying to DO CHURCH anymore!!! The minute I stepped into Chosen in February 2022 as one of the FIRST FOUNDING PARTNERS, as Pastor called it in our vision meeting, my LIFE CHANGED!!! TRANSFORMED!!!! I am NOT the same and the WORD that comes forth surely makes you want to CHANGE!!! You have to want GOD more than ANYTHING!!! GLORY TO GOD!!! I have been having a moment yawl going back down memory lane! LOL!!!
Okay!!! Back to business! We all know that February is a month of LOVE and also Black History Month! It blesses so many of us the way that CHOSEN LOVES! In the BLOG, "WE MADE HISTORY," someone expressed the love that is shown even when they enter the parking lot! That is only through God! It's because of God's Love that we are even able to love the unlovable. There has been moments in our lives where we have been unlovable, BUT GOD STILL LOVED US AND CHOSE US!! I pray that as we continue to grow and let God's LOVE and WORD inhabit us, that so many others will be able to experience God's Love!!! WHEW JESUS!!! Isn't His LOVE MAJOR!!!
The women, children and the men had an amazing time in FEBRUARY! We all connected through SHE TALK, MAN CAVE and the Youth had their Skating Party!!
The men were able to have a discussion with Dr. Morris Brown, MD where he talked with the men about Natural and Spiritual Health! It's imperative for both to be in alignment with the foundation of God and how he desires us to go forth in our lives. If we aren't spiritually fit then how can we effectively bring the WORD and God to people? There is no way to do so! There are moments in individuals lives that, if they are not taking care of themselves in the natural that, as harsh as it may seem, there could be moments of premature death! That can also flow through the natural and spiritual.
The Women of Chosen talked about the CHARACTERISTICS of a KINGDOM WOMAN!!! We were able to give insight into what being a Kingdom Woman means for us. In doing that we were tasked with the question of: "WHERE HAVE I NOT ALLOWED GOD TO LOVE ME?" I loved the insight that was given and how God showed us that it's a process and until we accept God's Love for ourselves, then it's impossible for us to love ourselves, let alone other people.
YOUTH SUNDAY, we had our dancers in their Black History attire and they did such an amazing job! Youth Sunday as a whole was amazing and so unorthodox! What other church have you been to that takes an entire service and dedicate it to the YOUTH where they are able to ask questions for the Pastor and Youth Pastor!!! It was a very engaging and fulfilling time. The Youth were open and they felt SAFE to share their stories about the pressures that they feel and how some of them battled some serious things that even as adults we may not always understand. The question was asked to not only the youth but to the adults on "Do you  feel pressure to keep up with the trends of social media and the world? Do you find it hard to be different and wanting to fit in?" 

This walk with God can be tough, especially when we are surrounding ourselves with so much of the WORLD and not filling our spirit. We can get into the comparison trap and feeling like we need what everyone else has. I'm reminded of the scripture Psalm 37: 1,2, when it says not to be agitated by evil doers and those that do wrong, for they will wither quickly!" Focusing on what the world is doing, comparing and being envious of what they have does nothing for us, but make us doubt what God has said to us and how HE desires to move through us! Let's go into 2024 and the end of 2023 knowing that where God has placed us, that is where we are to be! What He is doing in us, is exactly what needs to be done! Our heart posture in God needs to be, "If God said it, I will believe it, I have faith to receive it, and I will walk in It. Walk in it defying the odds, knowing that it's FAITH OVER FEAR (Yawl see what I did there LOL) 
Let's not forget the WORD that came forth in FEBRUARY!!!! Listen you had to be there! Elder Tralena came forth with the message of "BUT WILL YOU STILL OBEY???" That message still hits me this day!!! I gave a breakdown to Pastor before submitting and was like well that was my version. He was like NAW! SHE SAID THAT!!!!! LOL LOL LOL!!! She DID! God came with it in her message. She came from the WORD in 1 Samuel 13: 7B-14. She said, "GOD DON'T NEED YOU IF YOU AIN'T TRYING TO OBEY! GET IN ORDER OR GONE SOMEWHERE!!" She said, GOD GONE MOVE YOU OUT THE WAY!!!" That message triggered something GOOD in me! Jesusssss!!!! Yawl, we can still take heed to that even now and get in alignment! Are you going to obey or are you going to continue deceiving yourselves into thinking that God will keep pushing you forward and you haven't done step one of the manual? SEEK HIM!!! 
Pastor had a message titled His PRESENCE and His POWER and he came with the FIRE as well!! He came from Joshua 1: 5! We can often look strong on the outside, but our inside is as weak as it comes. The Power you think you possess on the external will surely meet its match when the inside exposes the power that you do not have on the inside. If you got the Holy Spirit within, then know that you possess the power on the inside. He talked about the TAKEOVER and how we will receive the promises of God, but there is also work that we have to do...THERE IS WORK!!! God has already said what He was giving us and He has already made provision! When we accept that we are JOINT HEIRS, we will shift differently. We have the power of God on the inside of us and we need to activate it. It's about being BOLD and COURAGEOUS and allowing God to fully have His way in our lives.


Saving the BEST for LAST!!! In February, Pastor ANNOUNCED that CHOSEN was moving! 5020202020Recent


